Zee Machine

Zee Machine is an LA-based pop/rock/electronic singer songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. Withinfectioushooks, soaring vocals, cutting lyrics, and empoweringlive sets they have brought a brand of arena-ready pop/rock bombast to iconic venuesaround the country, a sold-out international tour, and crowds of thousands at Pridefestivals across the country. Having caught the attention of Mark Ronson andcollaborated with Grammy-winning producers, Zee Machine was nominated forBreakout Musical Artists at the 2023 Queerties, was featured in a profile forPeople.com, was named by The Advocate on their list of 7 queer artists changing thegame, established a strong online presence and fan base, and has amassed millions ofstreams across all platforms. Hot on the heels of their sold-out international Tears &Gears tour alongside Bentley Robles, they have most recently reached the top 10 onthe iTunes pop charts (and the top 40 overall) with their 2024 EP “CAN I BEHONEST...?"

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